Founded on May 20th 1908, the Springdale Fire Company became the first volunteer fire company in rural Stamford, Connecticut. Now, Springdale is Stamford’s oldest volunteer department still in operation today. The first Springdale firehouse was located at 980 Hope Street, and was erected on a plot of land donated by Mr. Robert Kerr. On this plot, a two story building was built containing a large meeting room, apparatus room and hall.
Until November of 1909, when Stamford Fire Department donated a hose carrier, the Springdale Fire Company operated with no apparatus at all. In 1915, the Springdale Fire Company purchased their first chemical engine, an American LaFrance chemical hose wagon. From the fall of 1919 to 1927 the company began to realize that with the ever growing size of the community, the Springdale community needed more protection. Along with the addition of new officers positions, the Springdale Fire Company abandoned their past alerting technique and installed airhorns for signaling call locations. The Springdale Fire Company also purchased a Buick supply wagon in 1919, and traded their first apparatus for a new American LaFrance 750 gallon pumper and also purchased a 500 gallon Buffalo pumper.
After the second World War, the volunteers of Springdale Fire Company noticed a dire need for a new firehouse and equipment. The community had grown and the Springdale Fire Company had grown as well. Through the generous donations of the residents of Springdale, the Springdale Fire Company was able to secure the purchase of a new plot of land and began to build their new firehouse at 987 Hope Street in 1955. The new firehouse was completed in 1957 and is the present home of the Springdale Fire Company. By 1991 the Springdale Fire Company was running a ford Bluestar ambulance, a 1981 Ford utility truck, a 1977 Seagrave 1250gpm Pumper, a 1985 65ft Ford Snorkel aerial truck and a 1986 Mack 1250gpm pumper.

As a 100% Volunteer Fire Company, we are a private (501c3), non-profit membership corporation.
Our members are comprised of men and women of all occupations who share a desire to help and protect the residents and neighborhood of Springdale.
Members of the Springdale Fire Company have been certified by the State of Connecticut at the minimum level of Firefighter I and Emergency Medical Responder.
We are trained not only to respond to your fire emergencies, but medical emergencies as well.